-name-Sarnai kahkol
9 when she she left the Azim Steppes/21 at the start of arr
cis female/ female preferred polysexual
-physical appearance-
hair- short and black with grey/white highlightseyes- one pink eye with a vibrant limbal ring and a black eye without (usually covered)skin- pale blueish-grey with black scales covering her entire bodyclothing style- varies, usually prefers looser fitting, flowy clothesother- Prominent black coloured crystallization around her left eye and on her right arm (picture example below)
has a scar across her stomach, usually not visible by the
style of clothes
she wears used to wear glasses, but doesn't have to anymore instead wearing a blindfold covering the scarred eye


(If you are reading this the backstory might be getting a mix up soon, whenever I find the creative flow)Sarnai’s memories of the Azim Steppes seem like the thoughts of another person, passing through her mind like the wind through the grass. It may have only been 12 years ago when she was 9 but the trauma and growing she had to do since those carefree days has pushed the scale of time back to something less real. She still remembers her parents' faces though, and their voices: her dad always stoic and deep voiced, yet was more relaxed around Sarnai; her mother always seeming to wear a smile and speech of sunlight passing through clouds on a stormy day. Her childhood seemed perfect to her, long days spent playing and helping her mom tend to the flock of dzo; or helping her dad hunt, he would only ever let her help with small, easy to kill prey. He would always pick her up and swing her around as if she slayed a mighty mammoth, even if it was only a small rodent.She will always remember the day when she lost her parents, her simple life, her childhood. She never found out what happened before, how her parents learned of the upcoming Budaga raid, a question that will always be with her. Her parents were talking in hushed, frantic voices when she entered their small yurt, and they fell silent when they looked upon her. Sarnai was out for the day playing and came back as the sun fell behind the mountains. Her parents' grim contenances quickly lifted to a facsimile of a warm inviting smile, she could tell something was up but when she went to ask, they invited her to sit down and wait, they had a fresh glass of dzo milk ready for her to drink. Dzo milk is her favorite, so she quietly sat down and waited patiently. Her dad walked over and sat besides her purposefully, she realized later, blocking her view of her mother who used the distraction to slip a sedative into her drink. Her mother came over and sat with the pair, 3 drinks in her hand, and handed one to Sarnai. She gladly downed the drink and when she looked up she saw the tears in her parents eyes. A confused look was all she was able to give before the sedative started to take its effect, her mom sobbed and screamed as her dad caught her in his arms when she crumpled. The last thing she saw was her dad’s deep violet eyes and the last thing she heard was them telling them how much they loved her between sobs.The sound of waves and sea birds and the wood of the ship creaking was her first realization she was no longer home. She was on a merchant ship she found out, bound for Eorzea. Her parents in an effort to save her paid for their services to carry her aboard. She spent the first several weeks on the ship crying herself to sleep and avoiding the crew altogether by staying in her cabin. When it was clear they weren’t there to hurt her she started exploring little by little and befriending the crew. She was almost enjoying the time and had nearly forgotten how much she missed her parents. When they finally neared Eorzea however, the cruelty of her situation reawakened as they were attacked by a Garlean warship.Blood soaked the deck of the ship, the assault lasted no longer than a few minutes before the survivors surrendered. The ship was taken under Imperial custody and dragged up to a port in Gyr Abania where more soldiers awaited their prey. Anything that held any amount of value was pillaged and shoved into pockets and thrown over shoulders, the crew was left alone until one man made the mistake of getting in the way of a soldier and paid for that mistake with a bullet in his skull. That gunshot was a dinner bell for the other Garleans as they began to slaughter the remaining crew. The stench of death filled the air. Sarnai tried to hide behind some crates, to avoid the screams of agony, to avoid the evil happening around her, but she was found and tossed before a soldier with his face hidden behind a mask. She screamed and cried and begged for mercy, covered in the fresh blood of the men she started to consider friends. The man crouched before her and examined her like a farmer examines a new beast for his flock, commenting on how she would fetch a good price with the right people, and he laughed a sickening laugh that filled her with dread. He started to stand back up, until an axe landed itself into his back. One of the soldiers who didn't join in the slaughter turned against his former comrades and before they had time to react, they were all dead or dying. The miqo’te removed his helmet and gasped for breath, the realization of what he just did plain on his face. He looked over at Sarnai and steadied himself before approaching her, she feared she was next. Instead of his axe however, she was greeted by his hand stretched out towards her, covered in the evidence of his actions. There were no words exchanged but she knew what it meant, so she took the hand and they ran.Zv’iruh she eventually learned was her savior's name, he was a resident of Gyr Abania who was conscripted into the army 8 years ago when Garlemald took over. They spoke very little at first on their travels, but they warmed up to each other as time passed and soon took to being friends. They eventually settled down in La Noscea and Zv’irun set down his axe and took up working on ships and fishing, and while she was too young for a while to get work, she would help by cleaning and cooking for the two of them.As she grew into her teens they shared in their traumas, she told him of her home on the Steppes and her family, and he while reserved about at first told her of his tribe and time spent working for the Garleans. Zv’iruh would wake up screaming and sweating, and Sarnai was always there to comfort him, to remind him that the past is the past. She loves him as a brother, as the family she lost, and wanted to see him happy and full of the warmth he had forgotten existed, the warmth she tries to hold onto. Despite her optimism and carefree attitude around Zv'iruh, she too shared in his trauma; she would also wake in cold sweats to the sounds of the crew being slaughtered, of her parents' faces eroding away into dust in front of her. They were good for each other, a shoulder for the other to lean upon in moments of weaknesses.They had spent 7 years together when the calamity happened, when the hellfire screamed across the sky and threatened to destroy everything. The time for peace and home had ended, Sarnai and Zv’iruh needed to have the strength to fight. Zv’iruh placed his hands on his axe for the first time in the 7 years since he set it down, and dropped it, the blood of his past still stained on it. Sarnai suggested searching the city for another way to help, and when he returned he passed her a grimoire. They trained together as arcanists, her abilities exceeded his quickly and focused more on combative magicks to his healing magicks, but she always was there for him as support, to help him where she could.
-notes of events after-
((these are events, in no particular order, assuming sarnai is the wol,
for rp outside of msq events will be noted in parentheses,
also this part is a wip as i work on lore... also spoilers))
her scar- the scar across her stomach was obtained from her first battle with Zenos, it nearly killed her if wasn't for Zv'iruh who managed to stabilize her"alt classes"- during the events of the doman/ala mhigan war, alisaie taught her how to summon a aetherial blade from her book which she occasionally uses to defend herself from more physical fights where casting magic isnt safe. (PLD)
During the battle against the light on the first, thancred showed her some of his tricks that she found a way to adapt into her blade (gnb)
her eye- during her adventure in norvrandt when she absorbed another light warden her eyes slowly turned from their natural pink to a sickly golden-white as the light corrupted her, eventually even turning her skin and hair paler as she started to lose her fight to the light. after the final conflict with hades, the light was used up and her right eye returned to normal, the left remained gold and dull, eventually fading to black.The Crystal - She has crystal scarring around her left eye and almost all of her right arm. It grew after she was overwhelmed by the light and was golden initially, faded to silver after banishing the light, then finally fading away to black after stopping the final days.
(link to Zv'iruh's carrd - here

Hewwo? My name is Alana, my pronouns are they/them or she/her
Thank you for taking the time to go through my carrd I appreciate it! I'm really new to rp and even writing back stories so this probably looks super rough and I hope to improve day by day.
(All screenshots in this carrd are taken by another party who wishes to remain anonymous)

-Eyes from the start-

-after Philia-

-after titania-

-after eros-

-after storge-

-after vauthry/ losing to the light-

-after hades-

-HOW DID YOUR CHARACTER FIND V&V? ITS ASSOCIATED BRANCHES AND CREWS?-The longer she waits the less she sees of him. She's not a child anymore she knows, but something about the comfort of getting to see Zv'iruh's grimace gave her the safety and familiarity she so desperately clung to. To keep from the thoughts, she managed to use the little bit of info she managed to pry from him about where he's been to travel looking for artifacts of any sort. A chance encounter in Mor Dhona with the Sons of Saint Cointach and a surprisingly quick friendship, she got a hold of some ancient Allegan artifacts; the most important of which is the knowledge of summoning magicks. Zv'iruh's superiors, through their network if connections learned of this and brought her to the organization, with the offer to take those off her hand for gil and employment. Seeing this as an opportunity to take some of the burden from Zv'iruh and place on herself instead she accepted and thus she sunk into the darkness.-WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER’S MOTIVATION FOR BEING HERE? THEIR MOTIVATION IN GENERAL?-That grizzled Miqo'te, always kind to Sarnai but wearing his burdens in a way she was so blind to for so long that she hates herself for it; at least that's what she wants to mostly blame it on. In truth she wants the knowledge the Dreadwyrm crew and Project Nox can give her. She wants the power to protect him and her, to destroy anything that threatens them, to make up for her weakness that got so many people killed.-WHAT IS THEIR SPECIALTY? ARE THEY ASSOCIATED WITH A SPECIFIC CREW AND ITS CIRCLE?-She surprises herself how readily people are willing to trust her and she has used that to get what she wants from them. Learning the secrets of the past from artifacts she collects through her silvered tongue; and learning of gods and primals, so that she can use that knowledge for her own gains… and the Crew's of course.-DO THEY HAVE ANY SPECIFIC TIES TO VICE & VIRTUE? WOULD THEY HAVE ANY SPECIFIC TIES TO PEOPLE?-Her only tie ((currently)) is Zv'iruh.-WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THIS CHARACTER DEVELOP?-I'm open to anything, from a completely positive cleaning of her trauma and past; to corruption from the once bright girl to a grizzled bitter woman bent on destruction of any she feels is deserving.-ANY INTERESTING, OUTSTANDING TIDBITS?-1. She has a scar on her stomach she got during a fight with some bandits, nearly killed her
2. Her left eye is a bleached golden colour and is mostly blinded, a bizarre magical experiment went wrong and she was hit directly by incredibly light aspected aether.
3. She is scared to get on seafaring boats; to the point of a going nearly comatose
4. She hasn't had the chance to return to the azim steppes, she has the knowledge of the language that a non practicing 9 year old would have and is interested to meet anyone who has traveled there recently
5. she is not a warrior of light in this time line, nor does she have the echo. she is a gifted arcanist/summoner but thats where it stops